
Chantal Crousel gallery 2


Chantal Crousel Galerie 2

The redesign of this complex space in exhibition and work space, is part of the continuation of the research on materiality already undertaken during the first intervention on the main gallery located rue Charlot.

The fragmentation of the space justifies a functional and material approach capable of creating a continuity of space experience. The spaces are brought together by careful attention to the nature of the materials and their resonance. The wooden table, a place of work anchored in the middle of an exhibition space, the glass shelves, the brass table embody the places in which they unfold or anchor.

This small, uneven space becomes a place of cohabitation between complementary, sensitive experiences. These micro-places society and the diversity of the spatial relations they maintain define the condition of their coexistence in reduced environment, between art and space, presence and absence, play and juxtapositions, additions, transparencies, bridges, designs of furniture, of lights.


Architect: Clément Blanchet Architecture
Client: Chantal Crousel galerie
Nature of the operation: Commission
Realised in: 2015
Site: Paris, France
Program: Gallery
Budget: NC