
Clement Blanchet featured in La Métropole Raisonnée n°2

The aim of these quarterly Cahiers is to promote the capacity for action and reflection of SAREMM - Société d'Aménagement et de Renouvellement de l'Eurométropole de Metz. Through an in-depth reflection on the concept of the "reasoned metropolis", SAREMM intends to contribute to strategic thinking on optimising relations between the Metz metropolis and its environment.

In order to explore this concept of the 'reasoned metropolis', these Cahiers are willingly iconoclastic, leaving the beaten track to stand at the crossroads beyond urbanism in the strict sense. In France as well as internationally, the resources offered by the human and social sciences will be exploited, fields as diverse as history, human geography, anthropology, sociology... are explored by specialists, in order to continue to raise the level of debate and to stimulate reflection in relation to the future of this territory.

More to see following the link below :

Clement Blanchet