


Tanger logistic center


Hercules has connected the Atlantic  ocean to the Mediterranean sea and has formed the strait of Gibraltar. Part of the split mountain is the Gibraltar and the other
the Monte Hacho. These two mountains taken together have been since then known as the columns of Hercules. The pillars are also mentioned to some places like portals, or doors to different places on land. The motto more ultra (Latin for other over there) indicates the desire to see pillars as an entry to the rest of the world rather as a gateway to the Mediterranean sea.

Creating a port means first of all creating a threshold, at the same time a country and door open to the world. Before any technical question, The port of Tangier must represent Morocco, especially since it is located at the point of convergence of two continents.


In fact, the geometric ornament in Islamic art suggests a remarkable amount of freedom; in its repetition and complexity, it offers the possibility of infinite growth and can adapt to the incorporation of other types of ornaments.

The arrival at the port is done by the orchestrated discovery of the harbour master’s office, the service centre, and the ferry terminal in a coherent sequence.Together, they render harmonious the characteristic features of the industrial environment of the ports, representing a modern Morocco and creating an open door to its rich culture.

Thus, it is in the respect of this magnificent landscape, that our proposal transforms the mount Ciress, located in the background of the port, into a subtle monument visible from the other continent. The project being in its essence to develop a symbiosis between nature and technology, it makes this hill an emblem without compromising its environment. Our photomontage shows our preference for a classic Moroccan pattern composed of small solar energy lamps.


A vertical traffic beam that is connected to the mountain connects all the programs together.

When approaching the port, the second remarkable element turns out to be the service centre. Facing the sea, these offices are deployed in order to offer a united front that is easily articulated with the large scale of the port. Behind this facade, a flexible set of offices and commercial surfaces are arranged in intimate interweaving in order to recreate the spatial qualities of the Casbah. We consider the old Medina of Tangiers as a model, which, reinterpreted with modern architecture, will create strong interactions between buildings and thanks to its spatial organization will become a shelter in case of harsh climatic conditions.Small elements come together to form this coherent whole.


The organisation of these horizontal volumes detached from the ground allows the hill to expand to the sea, creating a continuous space between the platforms and the station.Thus, the interconnections between the train, the cars and the buses are done with flexibility and efficiency. The flow will be arranged from the lobby on the first floor, offering spectacular views of the harbour and the sea.

The third element, the ferry terminal, visible from the shore and from the sea, will be a real invitation to travel that will welcome tourists as well as business travellers. Our project integrates roads, car parks and the ferry terminal in an elementary and elegant stylistic language. It is about sublimating the infrastructure elements without compromising their efficiency. The two buildings that rise above this horizontal landscape can be seen as reminiscent of the 'Columns of Hercules'. The entire ferry terminal is an elegant and welcoming environment.


The efficient organization reveals the ferry terminal in an impressive way, trading between land and sea, where the port presents itself as an elegant landscape.

The horizontal layout allows easy circulation and promotes beautiful views of the sea.



Architects : OMA France (Clément Blanchet)
Client : City of Tanger
Nature of the operation : Competition
Realised in : 2010
Site : Tanger, Marocco
Program : Logistic centre
Budget : NC

team composition

Engineering : Royal Haskoning
Specialised in seaport facilities consultant : Jan van Beemen
Specialised in seaport stations consultant : Han Lichteringen
Energies consultant : Dezentral
Render : Arte Factory