
Clement Blanchet Key Note Speaker at the Biennale Dello Stretto

Clement Blanchet is invited as keynote speaker for the closing ceremony of the “Biennale dello Stretto” in Italy at the Fort Batteria Siacci in Campo Calabro.

Save the date! December 14th 2024 at 10 am,

Water has always been an integral part of human settlements, influencing both the aesthetic and functional aspects of architecture and urban design. This lecture will explore water as a dynamic, multi-dimensional element- one that harmonizes the urban environment with its surrounding water bodies and serves as an accelerator of architectural design.

We will examine the tension between land and sea, the symbolic role of water, and how it can be leveraged for sustainable, multifunctional spaces.

This 2024 Biennale Edition will continue to be driven by the multidisciplinary cultural dimension of architecture, but will also tackle broader themes such as design, art and cinema, anthropology and writing, photography, with an ever-increasing number of exciting encounters.

Clement Blanchet