
It's a win ! Clément Blanchet Architecture to design and develop the future of Clairvaux Abbey in France

Following the jury's deliberations on 19 December 2023, the project by Clément Blanchet Architecture , with Mathieu Baty, Michel Desvigne paysage, Opérel, Edeis and ADIM, has been selected for the conversion of Clairvaux Abbey.

"The modernity of the site will be a revelation, and the architectural action will be a reaction" Clément Blanchet

These are the rewards for 18 months of intense work to write a new chapter in the history of Clairvaux. We are honored by the trust placed in us by the state and the region. This operation is one of the largest Historic Monument projects in Europe, with a surface area of 32 hectares, 36 listed or registered buildings and 40,000 m2 of usable space, to promote the development of projects to enhance the value of this thousand-year-old site, worthy of its international reputation, allowing the site to be rediscovered by the general public and the installation of new activities contributing to the influence of the site and the attractiveness of the region.

Merci à l’Etat, au Ministère de la culture, à la Direction de l’Immobilier de l’Etat (DIE), à la préfecture du bas Rhin, le département de l’Aube, Edeis, Adim, et toute l’équipe de Maitrise d’Oeuvre.

Clement Blanchet