
We won ! Clément Blanchet Architecture is urbanist and chief architect of the MEETT economic cluster in Toulouse !

We won!

It's with great pleasure and no little emotion that we share this news with you!

5 September 2023,

Clément Blanchet Architecture [ cba ] is appointed urban project manager for the #MEETT economic cluster in Toulouse Métropole (FR), supported by EUROPOLIA (SPL de Toulouse Métropole).

Following a competitive dialogue that began in July 2022, we have won the competition to design and coordinate future developments around the Toulouse Exhibition Centre [MEETT], the link with the #Garossos business park, the Andromède mixed development zone and the landscape around the #Garonne.

Under a four-year renewable framework agreement, the aim is to explore and put into practice all the tools that make up urbanity, the city on top of the city, rediscovering the links between scales and offering new directions for use. Transforming certain non-places, opening up and articulating landscapes.

Twelve years after designing and developing the PEX project as an associate and director of OMA France, it's a pleasure to be able to work again in this fast-changing area.

From the outset of the PEX competition, the idea was to engage the city and its territory with the metropolitan facility, by proposing a strategic, exploratory, and pragmatic inhabited line up to the Garonne, to guide and offer a territorial strategy.

See you soon for the next steps!

The core team is made up of
Clément Blanchet Architecture
AR357 Atelier d'architecture et d'urbanisme
D'ICI LA paysagistes concepteurs
Artelia BET engineering
CVA Dominique Boudet
SYSTRA mobility
#urbanisme #urbanism #strategieterritoriale #clementblanchetarchitecture #cba #architecture #territoire #paysage #strategieurbaine #equipementmetropolitain #dicila #ar357 #oma
Thanks to Stéphane QUADRIO Raphael CATONNET and EUROPOLIA (SPL de Toulouse Métropole)
For their trust.

And happy back-to-school !!!

Clement Blanchet