
We win the 5th prize - Reconstruction of Mosul's Al Nouri Complex, International competition

Clément Blanchet Architecture wins the 5th prize in the anonymous international competition launched by the UNESCO, for the reconstruction and rehabilitation and of Mosul’s Al Nouri Complex !!! On April 15th 2021 were announced the 5 top winners of the 123 entries of the competition . We are in!

A unique and pluridisciplinary team composed of Clément Blanchet Architecture (team leader) with #BKClub, #MMA; Iconem, #ARCADE, OPEREL, #PHOEBUS SAS, #Almoustafa, #Parilla, #sane, #Aldea has been composed to conceive a clear statement about the future Al Nouri Complex in Mosol.

“Our project is conceived as an act of reparation, symbolically and physically, which operates at the scale of the monument but extends to city and de facto to the entire country - whose main challenge today is reinventing its future. While using the materiality and modalities of Mosul architecture, the aim is also to infuse modernity in the way the new additions will play together under the light. This balance between tradition and contemporaneity is important, not only for this project but also for future buildings in Mosul.” Clément Blanchet

Clement Blanchet